Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Is Paris Hilton really that hot?

I am always surprised at the popularity of Paris Hilton. I don't usually think much about her, honestly, but she's been in the news lately because reportedly her Sidekick was hacked. I was a Sidekick v1 owner so the phone bit caught my eyes more than the Paris bit... but it made me think, why? What's the fascination? I mean, she was popular even before the infamous sex video was made public.

OK, she looks pretty - but she always has on a ton of makeup, so I think she looks pretty, but certainly some other women outshine her in the looks area. I've heard all these claims about how smart she is, and how she is marketing herself, blah blah blah. I will give her credit for taking advantage of her celebrity to make money, but you don't have to be a fricking genius to figure that out. Anyway, I just don't see what the attraction is. I've seen clips from her TV show and all the girl seems to be talented at is manipulation, which can be a valuable skill, I know, but ...

Really, I guess this rant is more about why do guys like bimbos? That question is pretty pointless - like asking why do guys have testosterone. It's just the way life is.


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